The Find

admin-hhdevBlog, Uncategorised Leave a Comment

I have been working for over a year on a project called “The Find”.  The job is now done and is parked on my website home page.    Free.   Enjoy.  Share.   As you read this, Maureen and I are recalling that some of the work in “The Find” was being packed 50 years ago to this day. We bought our rural Ontario home in the …

Oh boy, Spam tonight!

admin-hhdevBlog, Uncategorised 15 Comments

Almost 40 years ago I started to use junk food as subject matter for oil paintings. Even the enlightened in the ‘art community’ raised their eyebrows and generally took a pass. I was, and still am, amazed at what people will eat: industrial food-like substances that our grandmothers would never recognize, let alone feed to friends. I have noticed that …

Summer High

admin-hhdevBlog, Uncategorised 9 Comments

I had a high summer.   17 years ago, I shingled the south side of Paddy Doyle’s Hotel and added to the windowsills and trim.  They got a couple coats of paint, and I moved back into the studio to work on exhibitions. 17 years later, the windows needed a lot of love.  They are just over 180 years old.  This …


admin-hhdevBlog 4 Comments

Hello again! I hope this finds you well.  It has been a while since you heard from me, so I am reporting.  Maureen and I are just fine.  Being in lockdown in Lonsdale is almost normal.  I stopped making ceramics a couple of years ago but have been extremely busy on other projects.  More later. We have been a couple …

Blacksmith and Carpenter Shop

admin-hhdevBlog 7 Comments

Hi Kids, I wish you could hold this axe handle.  It is perfect!  OK, it is old and broken, but it is perfect. For most of my life I have railed against the concept of ‘good enough’ or ‘OK’; our watered-down version of ‘perfect’.  The old guys who worked in my 1860’s blacksmith and carpenter’s shop would not settle for …